How puffy white dwarfs could shed light on mysterious dark matter

White dwarfs are giving up more of their secrets, with the discovery that the hotter they are, the puffier their outer layers are. While this finding may sound immaterial, understanding the structure of white dwarfs could ultimately prove key in discovering what mysterious dark matter is made from.

White dwarfs are the core remains of sun-like stars that have used up all their usable nuclear fuel. In five billion years’ time, our sun will turn into a white dwarf after its red giant phase. The sun’s outer layers will be cast away into deep space, revealing its pearlescent core. White dwarfs can pack the mass of a star into a volume the size of Earth, meaning they are extremely dense — a tablespoon of white dwarf material can weigh tons. Their interiors push physics to the extreme, but theory can make predictions about white dwarfs depending upon their mass and temperature.

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