‘That’s impact probability zero folks!’ Earth safe from ‘city-killer’ asteroid 2024 YR4

A fuzzy grey image with red crosshairs at the center of which is a white orb

Time to breathe a sigh of relief. The asteroid that once posed the greatest impact risk to Earth in recorded history now has an effective 0% chance of striking our planet. The probability of asteroid 2024 YR4 hitting Earth was reduced to zero thanks to new data collected on Sunday, Feb. 23. Discovered in Dec. … Read more

Morphology of ejecta features from the impact on asteroid Dimorphos

figure 8

Methodology overview A schematic overview of the methodology is reported in Supplementary Fig. 3. More details on data and functional blocks reported in the Figure, as well as the full simulation/processing pipeline are provided in the next paragraphs. Numerical tools used to propagate the dynamics of the ejecta and for the analysis of images are developed … Read more

What would happen if the OSIRIS-REx asteroid Bennu smashed into Earth in 2182?

a large rock impacts a blue-and-green planet, creating a fiery crater

What would happen if Earth were struck by another catastrophic asteroid? While such an event would be devastating, researchers at the IBS Center for Climate Physics (ICCP) at Pusan National University in South Korea wondered specifically how Earth’s climate and ecosystems might change in the aftermath of such an impact. They calculated that there is … Read more

Odds of an asteroid impact in 2032 just went up. Here’s why experts say you shouldn’t worry

The odds of the asteroid 2024 YR4 impacting Earth in 2032 have increased to 1 in 43. Despite this, you still shouldn’t worry about the potential impact of this asteroid. That’s because experts expected the impact probability of this asteroid, which sits at the top of the Center for Near Earth Object Studies Sentry asteroid … Read more

When is an asteroid not an asteroid? When it’s Elon Musk’s Tesla Roadster

The discovery of a new asteroid this month has turned out to be anything but. In fact, it isn’t even a natural object. The wannabe asteroid, announced on Jan. 2 as 2018 CN41, is actually a Tesla Roadster launched into space years ago by SpaceX CEO Elon Musk. The company sent the car (with a … Read more