Magnificent communication: Apollo 11 moonwalker Buzz Aldrin tests Verizon satellite service in new ad

As someone who is no stranger to comm dropouts on a planetary scale, Apollo 11 moonwalker Buzz Aldrin has teamed up with Verizon to help promote the company’s satellite-based solution to cell service “dead zones.” The now 95-year-old astronaut, who in 1969 became one of the first humans to step foot on the lunar surface, … Read more

Betting buzz – NFL favorites dominating December

Dec 29, 2024, 12:00 PM ET Everything that happens in sports has additional context when viewed from a sports betting perspective. From season-changing injuries to record-setting moments and so much more, the sports news cycle will constantly and significantly affect the sports betting industry. Our betting buzz file, with contributions from David Purdum, Doug Greenberg … Read more

I’m addicted to winning. I chased that buzz with cagefighting when Ben died – now I have to win back home, says ex-England captain and new Kent head coach ADAM HOLLIOAKE

Adam Hollioake chuckles from the ice bath at his home on the Gold Coast. ‘I do it every morning,’ he says. ‘And I f***ing hate it. ‘When I say I hate it, it’s the anxiety of getting in, and then the five minutes that I’m in it. I’m just bad with cold.’ Why then does … Read more