Accidental discovery reveals ‘millinovas’ a new class of cosmic explosion 100 times brighter than the sun

Superman isn’t the only one with X-ray vision. Plenty of exploding stars are also adept at blasting outbursts of this high-energy light. Now, thanks to a chance discovery, scientists are aware of an entirely new explosive stellar source of X-ray radiation. These outbursts’ light output didn’t resemble any previous cosmic explosion. Meet the “millinovas,” a … Read more

Cosmic entanglement sudden birth: expansion-induced entanglement in hydrogen atoms

In our analysis of the expansion-induced hyperfine entanglement of the hydrogen atom, we use the standard Hamiltonian for the hyperfine structure of the ground-state atomic hydrogen. This involves introducing the electron spin operator \(\hat{S}\) and the proton spin operator \(\hat{I}\). Therefore, the effective Hamiltonian for the ground-state hyperfine structure can be expressed as \({H}_{HF}=A\hat{S}\cdot \hat{I}\). … Read more