Leaving Pluto in the dust: New Horizons probe gearing up for epic crossing of ‘termination shock’

up-close spacecraft photo of a brownish-red two-lobed deep-space object that looks a lot like a snowman

NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft conducted the first and only flyby of the Pluto system, culminating at the closest approach of that distant world in July 2015. Sailing onward, the probe carried out a Jan. 1, 2019 flyby of Arrokoth, a Kuiper Belt Object, or KBO, located in a region of space beyond Neptune called the … Read more

India keen to dust off ODI rust in final pit-stop before the Champions Trophy

Context. It’s a massive word in sport, in anything actually, but let’s stick to sport for now. Context, and relevance. What’s the relevance of a bilateral Twenty20 International series of the kind India and England have just played out, one might ask. Relevance for the players involved? Check. For the broadcasters and other commercial stakeholders? … Read more