Mystery solved! Odd X-ray signal was ‘death knell’ of planet destroyed by zombie star (video)

A golden ring with a purple core against a black background punctuated by blue and white orbs

Using NASA’s Chandra observatory and Europe’s XMM-Newton spacecraft, astronomers may have solved a 45-year-old cold case. The team of cosmic homicide detectives determined a strange X-ray signal is the dying scream of a planet destroyed by a superdense stellar corpse called a white dwarf. The signal, which originates from the heart of the Helix Nebula, … Read more

What was the mysterious space signal scientists discovered in 2024? Here are some possibilities

Having launched on January 9, 2024 by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Einstein Probe detected several new events during its commissioning phase. Last October, Yuan Weimin, the spacecraft’s principle investigator, told China Central Television that the X-ray observatory had already discovered around 60 very strong transient celestial objects, close to a thousand potential transients, … Read more

Constraining the equation of state in neutron-star cores via the long-ringdown signal

In what follows we provide additional details on a number of aspects of our analysis that we have omitted in the main text for compactness. These refer to the approach followed for the selection of the golden EOSs, the numerical techniques employed to simulate the binaries and extract the GW signal, and a number of … Read more