Manny Pacquiao transformed career with $40k purse and stunning KO that scared casinos

Manny Pacquiao was an unknown quantity heading into his clash with Lehlo Ledwaba

Manny Pacquiao was a super bantamweight whose record read 32-2 the night his career was transformed when he fought in the US for the first time. Until then he had fought only in his native Philippines, Thailand, or Japan – he had made his debut in 1995 at light flyweight – contributing to him accepting the offer … Read more

How Cricketers As Influencers Have Transformed The Gentleman’s Game?

In today’s hyper-connected world, cricketers have evolved beyond their traditional roles on the field. No longer just athletes, they are now influencers who use their platforms to inspire, engage, and connect with millions. This shift is largely fueled by the integration of social media, which has transformed cricket from a mere sport into a global … Read more