What brand of golf ball did Alan Shepard hit off the moon? The world may never know

Carlos Villagomez owns a golf ball that he believes was flown to the moon. If indeed it was, he may also hold the answer to a more than 50-year-old bit of trivia that otherwise may be forever lost to time.

Villagomez was gifted the ball by Alan Shepard, the first American astronaut to fly into space, fifth human to walk on the moon and the world’s first (and to date, only) lunar golfer. Wrapping up his second of two moonwalks on NASA’s 1971 Apollo 14 mission, Shepard took a swing at a couple of golf balls.

“I have a little white pellet that’s familiar to millions of Americans. I’ll drop it down. Unfortunately, the suit is so stiff, I can’t do this with two hands, but I’m going to try a little sand-trap shot here,” said Shepard 54 years ago today (Feb. 6).

Apollo 14 commander Alan Shepard used a makeshift six iron to hit a “little white pellet” for “miles and miles” on Feb. 6, 1971. (Image credit: NASA)

Shepard had NASA’s permission to carry out the “moon shot” so long as it met the agency’s criteria, including that it be a non-commercial activity. To avoid any company from trying to profit from his one-sixth gravity drives, Shepard kept one key detail secret: the brand of the balls.

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